LA: Teen beat up a stranger he recognized as a sex offender, now faces hate crime count, NOPD says

A 17-year-old boy who realized he was at the same convenience store as a man whose picture had appeared on a mailed sex-offender notice followed the man away from the shop and beat him up, New Orleans police said this week.

Now, besides facing a count of misdemeanor battery, Tyrin Calloway stands accused of a hate crime, apparently on the theory that he targeted his alleged victim, a stranger, for being a registered sex offender, according to Criminal District Court records. Full Article

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You mean I should be looking over my shoulder wherever I go because i am “On The List?”

The shame here this young man followed his leadership. It was Bill Clinton who signed the first law whereby leadership decided to collateral attack those already convicted. Collateral or not, it is still behaviorally states attacking it’s own citizens ONLINE!

Who advertises the worst of their herd on a world wide scale? The bankrupted!

Well at least he’s being charged with a hate crime. Not to say that the entire registry itself isn’t a hate crime (it is). At least the authorities seem to be admitting they hate us just for fucking being different than them.

So what was the point of the mail card – or the registry in general – if not to make registrants targets?

Whoever mailed the card out should also be held accountable.

@agamemnon it’s enough to make me start to believe in the death penalty. (For whoever sent out the letter)

Awwwww what a pity. However ALL charges should immediately be dropped. This is just another case of “collateral damage” brought on by the extremely informative and beneficial registry.

Cops cant hire thugs! So how else can you get people to beat up or kill other people make a list and post it online or send postcards or put it on tv like John Walsh does! I cant stand that piece of crap or his wife. Oh john i looked away for 2 seconds and Adam was gone. It ok honey we will pass a law in his name. We will make society pay for our neglectful care of this child! It all about the money and laws to take your life away.So now you put on a hit list ! Cause of lazy people who don’t watch there damn kids or keep a eye on them at all times!

The sad irony out of this whole situation would be that if this registrant were to have sexually assaulted this 17 year old, in any way, this registrant most likely would receive a sentence much longer than 6 months in jail, which is what this article says the teenager may receive if found guilty of a hate crime.

I believe Janice was fighting for a hate crime charge here in LA. Me think this is a HUGE deal this kid is charged with a hate crime. Are we now a “class”then?

Wait a second. Isn’t a hate crime something that can only occur if a crime is based on someone belonging to a defined, protected class? That seems like it could play well for us.
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” (
Hate crime, harassment, intimidation, or physical violence that is motivated by a bias against characteristics of the victim considered integral to his social identity, such as his race, ethnicity, or religion. Some relatively broad hate-crime laws also include sexual orientation and mental or physical disability among the characteristics that define a hate crime. (

So I guess the government is saying RCs are a protected class and have some sort of immutable characteristic? Hmm, if this dude gets convicted, it may set a nice precedent.